10 Reasons Why Twitter is Still Dying

After Twitter (Nasdaq:TWTR) released Q2 earnings this past summer, they held an earnings call that not only frightened investors, but was full of ominous quotes by then interim-CEO Jack Dorsey and CFO Anthony Noto.

We at [Instavest](instavest.com/?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=TwitterQ3) summarized much of the concern raised during that call through an infographic that laid out 10 reasons Twitter is dying. Three months later, following the Q3 earnings call led by now-CEO Jack Dorsey, many of the same concerns ring true, sending Twitter’s stock into a downward spiral.

The stock has fallen to $30.86 at close on 10/28/2015, down 20% for the year, a day after Q4 expectations were announced - which were below prior estimates. Subsequently, 18 analysts on Wall Street lowered their price target for the stock.

We’ve updated our infographic - Here’s 10 reasons why Twitter is still dying:Twitter Gets Killed v006.jpg

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